Oleg Tumanov
The author of the idea & producer
Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate Professor.
Member of the European Union of Litterateurs (Germany), the author of the book “Travels of the Russian writers and publicists to the Western Europe in the late 19th- early 20th century”.
In 1980 was the member of the group of directors of the Opening and Closing ceremonies of the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow.
The winner of the Golden Bull Award from the National Culture Bureau of Spain, the winner of the Moscow Government Award “The guiding star”, as well as the winner of the Golden Globe and the Crystal Globe Awards (Germany).
He is awarded the medal of the Moscow Government “For contribution to international cooperation”, as well as the Quality Diplomas from the international exhibitions, such as ITB (Germany, Singapore), Reed Exhibitions (Great Britain), FITUR (Spain) and BIT (Milano).
Laureate of the main prize of the magazine “Business people” (similar to “Forbes”) for directing international events and contribution to international cooperation.
The author of the idea and the general producer of the opera-pasticcio “Labyrinth”, that is recognized by professionals as the know-how in the field of theatre arts.
The author and director of international events, such as:
Russian-American Political Forum (USA), for the highly professional organization of it he was awarded the Honored Citizenship of Alexandria, Virginia State;
“Days of Moscow. Culture and Economy” in Münich, Düsseldorf and Gessen (Germany), for that was rewarded the Honorary Dimlomas from the mayor of Moscow and the cities of Germany.
International Political and Economic Women’s Conference “Russia-Czech Republic” , for it was rewarded the Diploma of the Czech Parliament.
Since 1991 until now is the organizer of the Russian stand at international exhibitions in Berlin, London, Madrid, Milano, Paris, Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore etc.